Finding Bible Texts at Masada

Finding Bible Texts at Masada

Finding Bible Texts Stored in the Synagogue Every archaeologist wants to find written materials but not all of them succeed. Professor Yigael Yadin, leading his crew excavating the ruins of Herod’s fortress of Masada in the early 1960′s, was one of the lucky ones who...
The Book Of War (11Q14)

The Book Of War (11Q14)

The Book of War is one manuscript in the collection known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, a library of about five hundred  documents first discovered in 1947-1948, along the shores of the Dead Sea, mostly near the ancient settlement of Qumran.  Most scholars believe the...
Isaiah’s Message Was A Problem (4Q57)

Isaiah’s Message Was A Problem (4Q57)

Part II -The Isaiah Scroll                                                                                                       The Prophet who wrote chapters 1-39 of the book of Isaiah was a Jew living in Jerusalem during troubled times.  This was a period (735-732...